1: 这是我的女朋友。 错:This is mylover.(有情人,情妇的含义) 对:This is mygirlfriend. 2:新办公室很宽敞。 错:The newoffice is very wide. 对:The newoffice is very spacious. 3:这台电脑是我打折时买的。 错:I got thiscomputer from bargain. 对:I got thiscomputer on sale. 4:他很有趣。 错:He's sointeresting. 对:He's sofunny. 5:我喜欢浓咖啡。 错:I like heavycoffee. 对:I likestrong coffee. 6: 能给我减价吗? 错:Price down? 对:Can I get adiscount? 7:他是个感情细腻的人。 错:He isemotional.(情绪化) 对:He issensitive. 8; 我是免费得到的。 错:I got itwithout money. 对:I got it forfree. 9:我们初次见面。 错:It's ourfirst time to meet. 对:We've nevermet before. 10 晚上我想和朋友出去玩。 错:I want toplay with my friends tonight. 对:I want tohang out / go out with my friends tonight. 11:她是新来的。 错:She camehere newly. 对:She's newhere. 12:我化妆。 错:I make myface. 对:I put on mymakeup. 13:他把汤都喝掉了。 错:He drank allof his soup. 对:He ate allof his soup. 在英语中,soup也是food的一种,所以很少用drink, 更多用eat或have。 14:我哪儿都找不到我的钥匙。 错:I can’t find my keys somewhere. 对:I can’t find my keys anywhere. 15:我一直等到3点。 错:I waswaiting by 3:00. 对:I waswaiting until 3:00. 16:你有多少巧克力? 错:How manychocolates do you have? (特指单独包装的巧克力块) 对:How muchchocolate do you have? 17:能借我点钱吗? 错:Could youborrow some money to me? 对:Could youlend some money to me? 18: 我把他错当成别人了。 错:I mistookhim. 对:I mistakehim for someone else. 19:: 我很无聊。 错:I’m boring. 对:I’m bored. 20:我厌倦了那个电视节目。 错:That TV showis tired. 对:I’m tired of that TV show. 21:你觉得怎么样? 错:How do youthink? 对:What do youthink? 22:你选哪一个? 错:Which do youselect? 对:Which do youchoose? 23:你是做什么工作的? 错:What is yourjob? 对:What do youdo for a living? 24:我下星期领薪水。 错:I’ll receive my salary next week. 对:I’ll get paid next week. 25:上车吧(轿车)。 错:Get on thecar. 对:Get in thecar. 26: 上车吧(公共汽车)。 错误:get in thebus. 对:get on thebus. 27:他状态良好。 错::He is in good condition. 对:He is ingood shape. 28:那儿非常偏僻。 错:It’s very far. 对:It’s very remote. 29: 他的体温下来了。 错: Histemperature went down. 对: Histemperature came down. 30: 今天的报纸有他的文章。 错: Today'snewspapers have his articles. 对: Today'snewspapers carry his articles. 31: 如果你有钱的话,给我点吧。 错: Give mesome money, if you have. 对: Give mesome money, if you have any. 32: 如果你开着窗户睡觉的话,你会感冒的。 错: You'llhave a cold if you sleep with your window open. 对: You'llcatch a cold if you sleep with your window open. 33: 他讲话很大声。 错: He wastalking in a high voice. 对: He wastalking loud. 34: 你觉得北京怎么样? 错: How do youthink about Beijing? 对: What doyou think about Beijing? 35: 请在白线外等候。 错: Pleasewait outside the white line. 对: Pleasewait behind the white line. 36: 你的房子上火险了吗? 错: Is yourhouse insured for fire? 对: Is yourhouse insured against fire? 36: 她是第一名。 错: She wasfirst prize. 对: She tookfirst prize. 37: 昨晚我没有写日记。 错: Last nightI didn't keep my diary. 对: Last nightI didn't write anything in my diary. 38:火车迟到了一个小时。 错: The trainwas late about an hour. 对: The trainwas about an hour late. 39:猫比狗更适合做家庭宠物的10个理由。 错: 10 reasonswhy cat is a better pet than dog. 对: 10 reasonswhy cats are better pets than dogs. 40:你会多少个中文字? 错: How manyletters do you know? 对: How manycharacters do you know? 41:看你脸脏的,照照镜子吧。 错: What adirty face! Look at the mirror. 对: What adirty face! Look in the mirror. 42: 他既不会读也不会写。 错: He cannotread and write. 对: He cannotread or write. 43:这是哪里? 错: Where ishere? 对: Where arewe? 44:大部分西方人的鼻子都好高。 错: MostWesterners have high noses. 对: MostWesterners have long noses. 45:在我来这里的路上发生了一起交通事故,所以我迟到了。 错: There wasa traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late. 对: There wasa traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late. 46:她的婚姻是幸福的。 错: Hermarriage is happy. 对: Hermarriage life is happy. 47: 我的鞋子在哪里? 错: Where ismy shoe? 对: Where aremy shoes? 48:这个座位是空的吗? 错: Is thisseat empty? 对: Is thisseat taken? 49:这是我房间的钥匙。 错: This isthe key of my room. 对: This isthe key to my room. 50:这是一本有三卷的书。 错: It's anovel of three volumes 对: It's anovel in three volumes. 51:她很老的时候才结婚。 错: Shemarried old. 对: Shemarried late in life. 52:历史在重演。 错: Historyrepeats. 对: Historyrepeats itself. 53:这块牛扒很软。 错: The steakis soft. 对: The steakis tender. 54:这本书会卖得很好。 错: This newbook will be sold well. 对: This newbook will sell well. 55:给我打个电话。 错: Give me aphone. 对: Give me aphone call. 56:我不知道他说了什么。 错: I don'tknow what did he say. 对: I don'tknow what he said. 57:你可以告诉我为什么你每天都迟到吗? 错: Could youtell me why are you late every day? 对: Could youtell me why you are late every day? 58:我是公务员。 错: I'm apublic servant. 对: I work forthe government. 59:今天很热。 错: Today ishot. 对: It is hottoday. 60:不要把办公室弄得很乱。 错: Don't makethe office out of order. 对: Don'tleave the office in a mess. 以上就是高中英语辅导易错的英语语法知识点,希望对大家的英语补习分数的提高有所帮助,工大教育目前针对英语补习英语辅导开设有一对一辅导和3-6人小班教学两种形式,目前在太原开设有9所分校,如有意向咨询了解的家长及同学,可以直接拨打工大教育的热线电话:0351-5665505 咨询了解。